In this generation of artists, visual resource and influence arrive daily, hourly.
Betty Rasicot Pillsbury was born in 1922 in Northern Wisconsin and owing to singular circumstances
was raised in a matriarchal household. The women raising her were survivors of an epidemic, the 1929
crash and the subsequent financial depression. This influence - the power and tenacity of women under
difficult circumstances - has been a theme throughout Betty’s life work. Her work is largely
figurative with recurring female form and female triads, a tribute to the strength and triumph of
women. Education Holy Names College, Master of Arts, Education, 1981 California College of Arts and Crafts
University of California, Berkeley
Escuela Belles Artes, Guadalajara, Mexico, Summer Session, 1949 Raimand Puccinelli of Florence Italy and San Francisco CA
Shows The Albany Arts Gallery Show, Albany, March 2011 Paradise Ridge Winery Show, Santa Rosa, 2012 The Ruth Bancroft Garden, Walnut Creek, 2005-2011 CIIS, San Francisco, Juried Show, San Francisco, 2003 Annual Garden Sculpture Show Pro Arts Open Studios, Berkeley, 1998 - 2012 Group shows Center for Visual Arts, Oakland, 1993 Fifty-Year Retrospective Sculpture and Drawings, Berkeley, 1992 Lipscomb.Gunther Installation Site One-man show, Stuart Gallery, Berkeley, 1976 West Valley College Master Show with students, Saratoga, 1969 One-man show, Montalvo Gallery, Saratoga, 1967 One-man show, Horses Mouth Gallery, Saratoga, 1964 Co-op Arts and Crafts Group Shows, Berkeley Co-op Arts and Crafts Group Shows, Walnut Creek El Cerrito Invitational Group Show, El Cerrito San Francisco Museum Annual, San Francisco, 1960 San Francisco Museum Annual, San Francisco, 1952 Oakland Art Museum Group Show, Oakland, 1941 Architectural Bank of America Headquarters Building, San Francisco, CA
City of Vallejo, Marina Vista Park, CA
Baruch Home Courtyard, San Jose, CA
Hayden Home Frieze, Pasadena, CA
Walnut Creek pool fountain, Walnut Creek, CA
Research Specialities Company, Richmond, CA
Private Collections Ginger and Moshe Alafi, Berkeley, CA Paul Anglim, San Francisco, CA Hans and Flora Baruch, Berkeley, CA Pat Bleifer-Greenglass, Beverly Hills, CA Mollie Cholfin, M.D., San Diego, CA Ellen Gunther and Wendell Lipscomb, M.D., Berkeley, CA Pat and Bob Hanscom, M.D., Berkeley, CA Judge R.F.C. and Charlotte Hayden, Pasadena, CA Gladys Hender, Granada Hills, CA Venona Levine, Walnut Creek, CA Morton Meyer, M.D., Berkeley, CA Elizabeth Pringle, Santa Barbara, CA John and Dagmar Searle, Berkeley, CA Teachings Private Classes, Home/Studio, Berkeley, 1955 – 2011 Vallejo Adult School, Vallejo, 1977 - 1997 Oakland Adult School, Oakland, 1972-1992 Twin Pines School, Oakland, 1970 Montalvo Barn Sculptors “Master Atelier”, Saratoga, 1965-1968 Contra Costa School System, Art, Walnut Creek, 1950-1952 University of California, Berkeley
Mare Island Navy Base Sculpture Teacher, Vallejo, 1943
Betty Rasicot Pillsbury |