denmark finland iceland norway sweden
Blue Moon
Blue Moon
Monotype Collage
14" x 14"
Swan Song
Swan Song
Monotype Collage
16" x 16"
12" x 12"
Acrylic on 3 canvases
8" x 24"
17" x 8"
kappy trigg

I embarked on an early art journey when I begged my parents at the age of 9 to take painting lessons. They agreed reluctantly and I have not put down the paintbrush since. I graduated from the University of Washington School of Art with a degree and extended studies in painting and textile design. Several years later, I immersed myself in printmaking studies focusing on monotype. Subsequently, I taught monotype for 15 years. I have also spent much time in photography which serves as the primary source for my art images. Architecture and nature dominate inspiration for my abstract images. My work is process driven with focus on surface. Most of my work involves many layers, typically a minimum of 20.

My father is of Norwegian heritage. He had never been to Norway, but our family hosted a Norwegian gentleman who my father met during his business travels when I was quite young. This gentleman became a close family friend throughout my parents' lives. He sent me annual calendars from Norway when I was young and the beautiful images are still clearly embedded in my memory and served as reference for my art in my early teenage years. I have lived in the Nordic neighborhood of Seattle for much of my adult life and been invited in the past to be included in the Nordic Museum's exhibition of Northwest artists of Nordic heritage.

I am retired from a career as an art display consultant to a Fine Art Services company where I had the privilege of working with exceptional pieces of artwork. I now have the time to be a full time studio artist and look forward to seeing where this leg of my journey takes me.

Kappy Trigg

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